32 research outputs found

    On the Extensibility of Formal Methods Tools

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    Modern software systems often have long lifespans over which they must continually evolve to meet new, and sometimes unforeseen, requirements. One way to effectively deal with this is by developing the system as a series of extensions. As requirements change, the system evolves through the addition of new extensions and, potentially, the removal of existing extensions. In order for this kind of development process to thrive, it is necessary that the system have a high level of extensibility. Extensibility is the capability of a system to support the gradual addition of new, unplanned functionalities. This dissertation investigates extensibility of software systems and focuses on a particular class of software: formal methods tools. The approach is broad in scope. Extensibility of systems is addressed in terms of design, analysis and improvement, which are carried out in terms of source code and software architecture. For additional perspective, extensibility is also considered in the context of formal modelling. The work carried out in this dissertation led to the development of various extensions to the Overture tool supporting the Vienna Development Method, including a new proof obligation generator and integration with theorem provers. Additionally, the extensibility of Overture itself was also improved and it now better supports the development and integration of various kinds of extensions. Finally, extensibility techniques have been applied to formal modelling, leading to an extensible architectural style for formal models

    Goal Content for the practice of physical activity and the impact on subjective well-being in older adults

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    The main goal of this study consisted in an analysis of the impact that the goal content that leads to the practice of physical activity in the elderly population can play on the variables that constitute subjective well-being, as well as to analyze the differences in these variables’ levels according to the amount of physical activity practiced. A total of 300 individuals participated in this study (n=300), including 238 females and 62 males, aged between 60 and 90 years old (M = 68.59; DP = 6.54), who practice differing levels of physical activity. The results enable us to conclude that the goal content for the practice of physical activity has positive effects on the perception of satisfaction with life and on affect. To the same extent, they verify that health is the motivation that has the greatest weight on the practice of physical activity. We also concluded that elderly people who practice more physical activity perceive higher levels of satisfaction with life and positive affect, and lower levels of negative affectinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Validación de la subjective happiness scale (shs) y la influencia de la actividad física sobre la felicidad de los adultos mayores portugués

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    Este estudo objetivou validar a versão portuguesa da Subjetive Happiness Scale (SHS) para a população idosa portuguesa através de uma análise fatorial confirmatória, e verificar de que modo a felicidade subjetiva se faz diferenciar entre idosos fisicamente ativos e inativos. Participaram neste estudo, 309 idosos (242 género feminino, 67 género masculino), com idades compreendidas entre os 60 e os 90 anos (M = 68.59; DP = 6.60). Os resultados obtidos revelaram um ajustamento muito satisfatório do modelo original da SHS : χ² = .26; p = .87; df = 2; SRMR = .006; TLI = .98; CFI = .99; RMSEA = .00, o que nos leva a concluir que a versão portuguesa da SHS pode ser utilizada com elevada confiança na avaliação da felicidade subjetiva na população idosa. Verificou-se ainda, através do estudo das diferenças, que os idosos ativos possuem maior perceção de felicidade relativamente aos inativos.This study aimed to validate the Portuguese version of the Subjective Happiness Scale (SHS) for the Portuguese elderly population through a confirmatory factorial analysis, and to verify how subjective happiness differentiates between physically active and inactive elders. Participated in this study 309 elderly (242 women, 67 men), with age between 60 and 90 years old (M = 68.59; SD = 6.60). The results confirmed the good adjustment of the original factorial model: χ² = .26; p = .87; df = 2; SRMR = .006; TLI = .98; CFI = .99; RMSEA = .00, allowing us use the Portuguese version of the Subjective Happiness Scale as instrument of measure the subjective happiness in elderly population. We also verified, through the study of differences, that the active elders have a more perception of happiness compared to the inactive ones.Este estudio tuvo como objetivo validar la versión portuguesa de la Escala de Felicidad Subjetiva (SHS) para la población de portugueses mayores a través de un análisis factorial confirmatorio, y verificar cómo la felicidad subjetiva diferencia entre ancianos físicamente activos e inactivos. Participaron en este estudio 309 sujetos (242 mujeres, 67 ombres), com edades comprendidas entre 60 y 90 años (M = 68.59; DP = 6.60). Los resultados confirmaron la buena adaptación del original factor de modelo: χ² = .26; p = .87; gl = 2; SRMR = .006; TLI = .98; CFI = .99; RMSEA = .00, que nos permite utilizar la versión en portugués de la Escala de Felicidad Subjetiva del instrumento de medir la felicidad subjetiva en ancianos. Hemos comprobado también, a través del estudio de las diferencias, que los ancianos activos tienen una mayor percepción de la felicidad en comparación con los inactivos.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Assessment in sport and exercise psychology: considerations and recommendations for translation and validation of questionnaires

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    Translating and validating measurement instruments in sport and exercise psychology is not an easy task. Rather, it is a task that requires effort and time, for the process is not limited to a simple translation to translate words from one language to another, just in order to make valid and reliable measure. All researchers should be aware that the only proper way is to adopt rigorous and robust methodologies to conduct the process from the preliminary stage of translation to reaching the validation stage of the psychological variable. Only so is it possible to avoid creating fragile and inadequate psychological assessment instruments that can jeopardize the entire investigation to be held with its use. Thus, the main objective of this work is to promote reflection and discussion on the subject by presenting some considerations and recommendations about translation and validation of questionnaires for psychological assessment applied to sport and exercise domain.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Analysis of the Effect of Different Physical Exercise Protocols on Depression in Adults: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials

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    Context:Physical exercise (PE) is an effective treatment for depression, alone or as an adjunct. Objective:There is a lack of indicators regarding the frequency, intensity, duration, and type of physical exercise (PE). This study aims to synthesize and analyze the dose-effect of different PE protocols in adult subjects in the treatment of depression, based on the analysis of randomized controlled trials (RCTs). Data Sources:The search was conducted using Web of Science, PubMed, and Cochrane Library electronic databases. Study Selection:Studies with an exercise-based intervention published by December 31, 2021 were identified. RCTs and meta-analyses involving adults with depression were also included; 10 studies were selected, including a total of 956 subjects. Study Design:Systematic review and meta-analysis. Level of Evidence:Level 1. Results:Effect sizes were summarized using standardized mean differences (95% confidence interval) by effected randomized models. The results reinforce that exercise appears to be beneficial in improving depression among adults aged 18 to 65 years. Interventions lasting above 150 minutes per week of moderate intensity and group interventions seem to have a more significant effect on reducing depression. Studies have revealed that aerobic exercise, compared with resistance or flexibility, has a more positive effect on depression. Conclusion:PE can be a way to reduce depression and can be used as a possible adjunctive tool for pharmacological and/or alternative treatments. Considering the findings of this study, it is important that health professionals (eg, exercise physiologists, physicians, nurses, psychologists) promote the practice of PE as a complementary alternative and act early to prevent the worsening of depression.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Age and Sex Differences in Physical Activity of Portuguese Adults and Older Adults

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    This study aims to explore data on objectively measured physical activity from a sample of adults and older adults and to investigate the achievement of the minimum physical activity required for health benefits. Participants, 257 women (age 58.99 ± 18.93 years, BMI 26.75 ± 4.57 kg·m−2) and 178 men (age 49.22 ± 20.39 years, BMI 26.81 ± 3.51 kg·m−2), wore an accelerometer for 4 to 7 days. Approximately 40% of the time was spent daily in sedentary behaviors during waking hours. Our results do not sustain the suggestion that adult men are more physically active than women. The results indicated a decrease in intensity of physical activity with age, in men and women, but not in successive age groups. Around 75% of adults and 30% of older adults accumulated the minimum daily physical activity for health benefits, in periods shorter than 10 min, above moderate intensity. The number of steps taken per day revealed that most men and women (except the oldest) attained or exceeded the lower threshold for deriving health benefits. To obtain relevant health benefits, future physical activity interventions should aim at reversing the amount of sedentary behaviors, emphasizing increments in, at least, the lower levels of PA, and maintaining walking habits.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Effects of Exercise on Quality of Life in Subjects with Alzheimer’s Disease: Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis of Randomized Clinical Trials

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    Alzheimer’s disease is a type of dementia that progressively affects memory, thinking, and behavior. It can interfere with daily activities and lead to a decline in cognitive abilities over time. Exercise-based interventions can complement Alzheimer’s disease treatment. Exercise is a valuable tool in all healthcare settings and has shown promise as an effective cognitive improvement intervention for people with cognitive impairments. This systematic review and meta-analysis aimed to analyze the effect of physical exercise on the QoL of subjects with Alzheimer’s disease. A search was performed with the help of the electronic databases PubMed and Web of Science. Randomized controlled trials with exercise-based interventions were selected. Four studies met the inclusion criteria, which included interventions based on exercise. The effects were summarized using standardized mean differences (95% confidence intervals) using random-effect models. The results showed that exercise had no significant effect on the QoL of subjects with Alzheimer. Thus, the effect of exercise interventions on the QoL of patients with Alzheimer’s disease is not conclusive. More research is needed about this topic and the way in which the QoL is assessed; the necessity to conduct an objective way to assess the QoL in this population is mandatory.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Validation of the Goal Content for Exercise Questionnaire (GCEQ) for a sample of elderly portuguese people

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    According Sebire, Standage and Vansteenkiste (2008), goals contents (motives) are the major drivers of behavior, giving rise to the goal content theory, which is in the basis of Goal Content for Exercise Questionnaire (GCEQ: Sebire et al., 2008) development. So, the main goal of present study was to conduct the validation of GCEQ for a sample of Portuguese elderly (n = 311), with equal or higher ages than 60 years old (M = 68.53; DP = 6.69). The main results show us that CGEQ measurement model (5 factors, 20 items) only present adequate fit to data after the elimination of 3 items: S-Bχ²=219.9, df=109, p=.001, SRMR=.049, TLI=.916, CFI=.934, RMSEA=.057, RMSEA 90% CI=.046-.068, PCFI=.747). Besides that, the 5 factors show us acceptable values of composite reliability: between .76 and .88. Those findings allow us to conclude that GCEQ with 5 factors and 17 items can be used to measure goal content in a population of elderly Portuguese people in physical activity domain.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Validation of the subjective vitality scale and study of the vitality of elderly people according to their physical activity

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    The main aim of the study was to validate the Portuguese version of the Subjective Vitality Scale - SVS for the Portuguese elderly population through of confirmatory factorial analysis. The existence of differences in the perception of subjective vitality among sufficiently active and insufficiently active older adults was also analyzed. A total of 309 Portuguese elderly (242 females, 67 males) aged 60-90 years (M = 68.59, SD = 6.60) participated in this study. Of the total sample, 256 are sufficiently active, while 53 are insufficiently active. The results show that the model was adjusted to data in a satisfactory way (χ² = 28.95; df = 9; CFI = .97; TLI = .94; SRMR = .04; RMSEA = .08; RMSEA 90% CI = .05 - .12), and show a concurrent validity with the Portuguese version of the Satisfaction with Life Scale. The data obtained allow us concluding that the Portuguese version of the Subjective Vitality Scale can be used as a measure of subjective vitality in the Portuguese elderly population. It was also verified that the subjective perception of vitality is greater among individuals sufficiently active compared with their peers that do not reach the amount of practice of recommended physical activity.O objetivo do estudo foi validar a versão portuguesa da Subjetive Vitality Scale - SVS para a população idosa portuguesa com recurso a uma análise fatorial confirmatória. Foi ainda analisada a existência de diferenças na perceção de vitalidade subjetiva entre idosos suficientemente ativos e insuficientemente ativos. Participaram neste estudo 309 idosos (242 sexo feminino, 67 sexo masculino) de nacionalidade portuguesa, com idades compreendidas entre os 60 e os 90 anos (M= 68.59; DP = 6.60). Do total da amostra, 256 são suficientemente ativos e 53 são insuficientemente ativos. Os resultados alcançados revelam que o modelo apresenta valores satisfatórios de ajustamento aos dados (χ² = 28.95; df = 9; CFI = .97; TLI = .94; SRMR = .04; RMSEA = .08; RMSEA 90% CI = .05 - .12). Foi, também, obtida validade concorrente com a versão portuguesa da Escala de Satisfação com a Vida. Os dados obtidos permitem concluir que a versão portuguesa da SVS pode ser utilizada como medida de avaliação de vitalidade subjetiva na população idosa portuguesa. Verificou-se ainda, que a percepção subjetiva de vitalidade é maior entre os idosos suficientemente ativos comparados com seus pares que não atingem a quantidade de prática de atividade física recomendada.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio